maandag 8 juli 2013

Taylor Swift Says She Likes Heartbreak — Now Flirting With New Guy

Taylor Swift Says She Likes Heartbreak — Now Flirting With New Guy

Taylor Swift: Heartbreak Is Beautiful
“There’s something so beautiful about people who are heartbroken,” Taylor told E! Latin’s Coffee Break, ”they think about how they’re feeling much more.”

Relating that notion to music and songwriting, Taylor continued:

Love is one of those things that is so simple, you don’t need to think about it when it’s good, you only need to think about it when it’s bad, so when music is all that you have and you’re lonely or you’re missing someone and you write a song that says exactly how you feel, there is sort of a gratification you get from that, it almost helps you move on.

We will point out that this sounds like something only a heartbroken person would say — kind of like saying you hate winning after you just lost a bet — but it does also give some insight into Taylor’s love life. Is she addicted to heartbreak?

It would explain why she went after Harry Styles, who she knew was trouble when he walked in, and why she’s jumped into other relationships. She may subconsciously be setting herself up for heartbreak because she secretly likes how it makes her feel and think.

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