woensdag 17 juli 2013

Fergie & Josh Duhamel Expecting A Baby Boy

Fergie & Josh Duhamel Expecting A Baby Boy 

Josh Duhamel Reveals He and Fergie are Having a BOY!
We've wondered for months whether Josh and Fergie were expecting a little boy or a little girl, and today, we finally got our answer!
Josh was a guest on Live! With Kelly and Michael, and just like you and me, Kelly and Michael were curious about the sex of the baby.
They held up a pink onesie and a blue onesie, and begged Josh to choose the onesie that represents their baby.
After polling the audience and riling everyone up, Josh grabbed the blue one and smiled from ear to ear.

Josh Duhamel Excited to Become a Dad
It seems like baby Duhamel is the top priority for the power couple—Josh said on the show that he plans on taking off as much time as he can before and after the baby is born.
He explained, "I can't imagine having a kid ands then not being able to be there. That would just drive me crazy. My head would be at home with mom and baby."
Josh already seems like a superstar dad, and we can't wait to meet their precious baby boy in the next few months.

Hit the comments section now and let me know if you have any cute baby boy names in mind—do you think Josh and Fergie will go with a unique name or something more classic?

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