dinsdag 16 juli 2013

‘Teen Wolf’ Recap:

‘Teen Wolf’ Recap:

Bye Bye, Boyd!
As much as we all thought Dr. Deaton was going to bite the proverbial bullet — come on, the dude was left hanging in the bank basement for-ever — it was Boyd (Sinqua Walls) who ended up as this week’s highly anticipated victim. And as bummed as I was to bid him adieu, at least his death gave us one last look at Erica (Gage Golightly), via an intense flashback to sometime before the season premiere.

Plus, Boyd sacrificed himself to save Derek (Tyler Hoechlin), who finally faced off one-one-on against Kali (Felisha Terrell) — and damn, that kitty can scratch. He agreed to the solo fight in order to keep the Alpha twins from ripping apart Ms. Blake (Haley Webb), which makes me think their relationship really is more than just physical. There’s real love there. Wolf love!

If I’m being real, I’m actually pretty happy Boyd died. I mean, if we had to lose a member of the pack, I’m glad it was the one I cared the least about. Because the day Isaac (Daniel Sharman) dies is the day I lose faith in love and life and British accents. So let’s hope that day never comes, OK?

Scott & Allison: Boner Time!
Those hoping for a major Scott/Allison reunion got their wish — and so much more — this week when the former couple ended up hiding in a closet together. To say ‘sparks flew’ would be an understatement, as Scott popped a woody within seconds, and Allison (Crystal Reed) didn’t exactly hate it. In fact, she giggled and was about to kiss him!

Sadly, the kiss was not to be. We’ll have to wait a little while longer for a full-blown — pardon the pun — hookup between them, but hey, we’ve waited this long. What’s another episode or two?

Odds & Ends
1. Why did Allison visit creepy Grandpa Gerard at the end of the episode? Why would anyone? He’s all bloody-nosed and gross!

2. How amazing was that scene with Stiles (Dylan O’Brien), convincing Danny (Keahu Kahuanui) he was having a dream? They always have the best scenes together.

3. What was Mr. Harris’ real connection to all these sacrifices?

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