woensdag 31 juli 2013

Taylor Swift: Will She Be In The One Direction Movie?

Taylor Swift: Will She Be In The One Direction Movie?

Sorry, Haylor fans! Harry Styles‘ brief but drama-filled relationship with Taylor Swift will not be featured in One Direction’s new 3D movie, This Is Us.

Taylor Swift In One Direction Movie? — Will 1D Flick Show Harry Styles Romance?
Producer Morgan Spurlock and his production team had access to footage of Taylor, 23, and Harry, 19, but decided not to use any of it in the movie, according to The Mirror.

Morgan confirmed the omission of the relationship, saying, “By the time we started filming in January, they had already split up.”

Morgan claims he excluded Taylor because the romance was old news, but he still used other footage of the One Direction boys from last year. Hmm. Maybe Harry just didn’t want to relive his doomed fling with Taylor on the big screen.

A source close to the band says, “There was no way Taylor would appear. Fans don’t want to see it. He [Harry] is done with talking about her and the management do not want to annoy Taylor any more. This was a no-brainer.”

Instead, the PG flick will show Harry revisiting his childhood hangouts, along with other intimate moments. If you ask us, Harry’s love affair with Taylor sounds much more interesting!

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