woensdag 17 juli 2013

Taylor Swift Fires Back At Kanye West After VMA Nomination Reveal

Taylor Swift Fires Back At Kanye West After VMA Nomination Reveal

Taylor’s bracing for another attack from Kanye at this year’s Video Music Awards.
Nobody puts Taylor Swift in a corner! After finding out she’d been nominated for two MTV Video Music Awards — Best Female Video and Video of the Year for “I Knew You Were Trouble” — Taylor hopped on Twitter to thank her fans. Oh, and she also might have used the opportunity to knock a certain rapper down a peg.

“Two VMA nominations!!” Taylor tweeted July 17. “If you vote and get us one, I promise to keep a firmer grip on the mic this time ;)”

Clearly, Taylor is referring to her infamous run-in with Kanye West at the 2009 VMAs. In case you need a refresher, Taylor’s “You Belong With Me” scored the Best Video of the Year award, but not everyone in the audience was ready to celebrate her victory.

Taylor Swift & Kanye West’s VMA Feud
“Thank you so much!” Taylor said. “I always dreamed about what it would be like to maybe win one of these some day, but I never actually thought it would have happened. I sing country music so thank you so much for giving me a chance to win a VMA award.”

That’s when Kanye jumped onto the stage like a crazy person, snatched the microphone from Taylor’s hands and went on an insane rant about who he thought should have won.

“Yo, Taylor, I’m really happy for you,” Kanye began — which was a lie. “I’ll let you finish, but Beyoncé has one of the best videos of all time. One of the best videos of all time!”

Thus, one of the strangest rivalries in music history was born. Though Kanye has since apologized to the “22″ singer, we’re not exactly expecting to see them hug it out at this year’s VMAs — especially if Taylor’s tweet is any indication.

Maybe she is going to wrote a song about Kayne ! You never know

Watch: Kayne West Disses Taylor Swift:

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