woensdag 17 juli 2013

Naya Rivera Tells ‘Complex’: ‘If I Wasn’t Famous, I’d Be On OkCupid’

Naya Rivera Tells ‘Complex’: ‘If I Wasn’t Famous, I’d Be On OkCupid’

Naya Rivera’s ‘Complex’ Interview:
The actress channels a sixties star for the poker-themed shoot, sporting retro curls and a dark lip. From lacy lingerie to menswear inspired looks, the star looks amazing in all the outfits — and she didn’t hold back when it came to spilling on her love life! “If I wasn’t famous, I’d be on OkCupid,” she tells the mag. “All my friends are.”

Naya Rivera & Big Sean:
Naya’s boyfriend, Big Sean, decided to stop by and show support for his lady on set — how cute! Midway through the shoot, the rapper popped in and gave Naya a huge hug. He even had some adorable things to say about his girlfriend! “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Sean says in almost a whisper, as she steps back in front of the camera. “She’s one of those people that you can connect to, and I think she’s going to be a superstar,” he gushes.

Naya was less than shy about her relationship, telling the mag that “he’s a sweetheart.” She also explains working around their crazy schedules to make the relationship as cohesive as it is. “With anything that you want, you’ll work at it and make the time for it,” she says.

Naya Rivera’s ‘Complex’ PICS:
Naya is naturally beautiful, and we’ve seen this striking beauty time and time again. However, this photo shoot just wasn’t our cup of tea. There’s no doubt that the shots are sexy and it’s pretty hard to make Naya Rivera look bad! It’s the photoshop that made us dissatisfied with the shoot. Naya’s natural beauty is barely seen due to the way the images were touched up. We also don’t like the black lipstick on the star.

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