dinsdag 16 juli 2013

Mayor Savage Discouraging Fans From Attending Chris Brown Show

Mayor Savage Discouraging Fans From Attending Chris Brown Show

Mike Savage Slams Chris Brown
Mayor Savage spoke to us about Chris, 24, and his upcoming performance at the Energy Rush show in Halifax on August 31. He openly and honestly said he was not impressed that Chris would be performing, due to his past issues with domestic violence.

Here’s what he told us:

Violence against women is a gregarious issue, and people are concerned because it is a big issue in Nova Scotia. We are not going to pull the plug on the show, but when people ask me my opinion I’ll tell them. It’s just my opinion as a father and as a Mayor. It’s not for me to decide, but sure, if people asked me I would encourage them not to go to the show. We need more freedom of expression. I have an obligation to say my piece. I can’t comment on his music. If you ask me, I have a pretty negative opinion of Chris Brown.

Originally, the mayor said he felt “sick” that Chris would be performing in Halifax, and the show lost a sponsor when Chris was announced as the headliner.

“It makes me kind of sick, to be honest with you, that someone like this will be performing in Halifax,” he told Canada’s Chronicle Herald. He continued:

Those of us who are in public life — I’m in public life, he’s in public life — you have to be responsible for your past actions, and I think it sends a very, very wrong message to everybody. I’m not keen on the city supporting this in any way.

As a city, [we] believe it reflects poorly on us to not only host such an artist, but to make him the headliner of this show. It says that as a city, we do not care for domestic abuse as long as you can write a catchy dance song.

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