donderdag 13 juni 2013

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Over For Good

Rob and Kristen are totally over. We has EXCLUSIVELY learned that Rob and Kristen are acting like ‘adults,’ but are barely speaking to each other after their breakup.

Robbert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are so mature 
but following their break up are determined to act likes

Kris and Rob not talking

The former Twlight lovebirds are keeping a save distance
and barely speaking and they are not planning a reunion.
The media previously reported that Rob is despresed and Kristen feels like a part of her had died..

While Rob and Kristen are both deeply hurting, they refuse to do anything “stupid” because they are aware that they are being watched like hawks by the media.
“They are broken up. They don’t want to make things worse by turning it into a media storm by doing stupid things or making their grievances heard in the public,” a source close to the couple EXCLUSIVELY tells us. “Overall, they are speaking but not much — and they are not speaking to get back together.”
Rob and Kristen are so mature! They are so wise not to make their heartache public, and not speaking to each other is probably the best thing for now. Rihanna and Chris Brown could learn a thing or do from them!
Sourche: Hollywoodlife

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