zaterdag 15 juni 2013

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart back on ?

Could it be true? A new report says that Kristen and Rob were seen holding hands in LA’s Echo Park on June 13, after stopping at a Starbucks. Are they getting back together?

All of our dreams have come true! Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were spotted by a fan holding hands in Los Angeles’ Echo Park on June 13, and they looked “very together.” Kristen was even seen laughing at Rob’s jokes!

Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson Holding Hands

Kristen, 23, was photographed looking happy June 13 in L.A., and now we know why: Earlier that day, she was reportedly seen reuniting with her Twilight ex! Twitter user, and K-Stew fan, Jane Misserati spotted the couple in Echo Park and she tweeted about the sighting:
Spotted: Kristen and Robert walking down the street in echo park. Somebody call an ambulance because I think I just had a heart attack
[They] were holding hands, Kristen in her typical uniform and rob in his. Looked very together and in sunglasses! I know it was them
They left separately- so rob was probably going to return to his interviews!
So exciting! Rob was pictured at a press junket for Dior that day, so those are the “interviews” the fan is referring too.
Rob and Kristen were then spotted by another tweeter, @reinlegarde, at Starbucks.
“Rob & Kristen were just spotted out and about by a worker at Starbucks on PCH going towards Malibu,” the fan tweeted.
Nothing says romance like a Frappuccino!
Furthermore, E! News is reporting that “Stewart and Pattinson seemed to be in good spirits when they were seen at around 12:15 p.m. She was wearing jeans and a short-sleeve T-shirt with a gray pullover tied around her waist, while Pattinson wore jeans, a white crew-neck T-shirt and sneakers, and was holding a grocery bag.”
Rob was acting “protective” of her, and at one point, they were talking closely — and Kristen burst out laughing.
So are Rob and Kristen back together? It sure seems so !
Sourche: Hollywoodlife

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